1. Initial Contact
Founders make initial contact with Nestspace’s Team through the application process or through an introduction.
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2. Scheduled Meetings
Nestspace's Team schedules initial meetings with potential startups
3. Due Diligence
Various diligence meetings take place to dive further into key areas of analysis, including business, financial, technical, legal, and HR. This includes meetings with various members of the Nestspace team, as well as consultants (as required).
4. Investment Committee
The startup is presented to OurCrowd’s Investment Committee for a final decision.
5. Fundraising
Once the term sheet is signed, OurCrowd launches the startup on its platform. The process kicks off with a launch email, inviting investors to a webinar given by the company’s Management Team. Investors receive Nestspace team analysis and other due diligence materials to help make their investment decisions. Information is shared with investors ONLY once approved by the company.
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